Work time in farming - estimates versus stopwatch timings

Work time in farming - estimates versus stopwatch timings

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Auteur : Bartolomeu D
This study, conducted by the ITP, analysing both breeder estimates and stopwatch times gives an evaluation of the various techniques and facilities used. The average for the study group reached 22 hrs 44 mins per sow in the herd per year. Day-to-day tasks alone represented almost 50 % of working time during farrowing, at 5 hrs 10 mins per sow in the herd per year. Day-to-day tasks during post-weaning and finishing represent a total of 4 hrs 08 mins per sow in the herd per year. Administrative tasks and maintenance of facilities represent 80 % of the remaining working time, at 3 hrs 45 mins per sow in the herd per year. The major between-farm deviations observed were essentially due to different levels of mechanisation, the layout of the facilities, and whether litter was used. The departure of porkers proved to be the transfer operation that required the heaviest time investment. Breeders considered the least laborious tasks to be day-to-day tasks, reproduction, and animal care for piglets. The tasks considered the most laborious were castration, cleaning-disinfecting, and litter management.

Fiche technique

Titre :

Work time in farming - estimates versus stopwatch timings

Date sortie / parution :


Référence :

Techni Porc (Fra), 2005, Vol. 28, n° 1, janvier-février, p. 3-10

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