Destructured meat : Effects of slaughter system and weather conditions

Destructured meat : Effects of slaughter system and weather conditions

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Auteurs : Vautier A, Minvielle B, Boulard J, Bouyssière M, Houix Y
This work is a study of three different industrial slaughter systems. Weather variables were also recorded in order to seek an explanation for the seasonal variations in meat quality. This study showed an effect of external temperature on the frequency of destructured meat, this defect being commoner as the temperature was higher. Links between destructuring, pH and colour measurements were confirmed. The meat affected came from heavier hams. The slaughter system does not appear to be a major risk factor for the destructuring defect when fasting is controlled and a minimum rest time of 2 hours is ensured at the slaughterhouse.

Fiche technique

Titre :

Destructured meat : Effects of slaughter system and weather conditions

Date sortie / parution :


Référence :

Techni Porc (Fra), 2004, Vol. 27, n° 3, mai-juin, p. 19-23



Ingénieur d’étude - Expert sur la qualité technologique des viandes

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