The cost of regulatory constraints for French pig farming

The cost of regulatory constraints for French pig farming

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Auteurs : Gourmelen C, Ilari E, Dagorn J, Daridan D, Van Ferneij JP, Marouby H, Rieu M, Teffène O
The financial impact of extra production costs, compliance of pig farms with environmental standards (treatment of manure), animal welfare directives, banning of antibiotics, traceability, and banning of animal meal in pig feed was evaluated. The new costs induced by European regulations and borne by French pig farming are estimated for 2005 at between 266 and 331 M€ for measures certain to be applied. This additional cost would reach 267 325 million € (11 - 14 ct of €/ kg carcass) from 2014. But some of these costs will not also be supported by all the companies according to their situation, dimension, localization … If at first, a part can be supported by the Nation to help to set up the corresponding actions (environment), eventually, the load will fall there totally to the pig farming.

Fiche technique

Titre :

The cost of regulatory constraints for French pig farming

Date sortie / parution :


Référence :

Techni Porc (Fra), 2004, Vol. 27, n° 2, mars-avril, p. 3-10



Ingénieur agroéconomiste - Expert en charge de la veille internationale sur l’aval de la filière porcine

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