Feeding plans applied by heavy pig breeders in France

Feeding plans applied by heavy pig breeders in France

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Auteurs : Quiniou N, Hamelin E, Badouard B, Quinio PY, Le Moan L, Le Cozler Y, Lelièvre JY
A survey was carried out by ITP and EDE on the know-how of French producers of heavy pigs (more than 40 % pigs slaughtered above 90 kg carcass weight). According to the 34 investigations performed in Brittany, Midi-Pyrénées or Rhône-Alpes, around one third of pigs are fed ad libitum. A common diet is used during the whole fattening period in half of piggeries in Brittany and Rhône-Alpes and in all ones in Midi-Pyrénées. Most pig breeders buy a commercial diet, especially as pellets. More than half of pigs are fed with a liquid diet, except in Midi-Pyrénées where dry feeding is more often used.

Fiche technique

Titre :

Feeding plans applied by heavy pig breeders in France

Date sortie / parution :


Référence :

Techni Porc (Fra), 2004, Vol. 27, n° 1, janvier-février, p. 11-12



Docteur Ingénieure, PhD - Experte en nutrition animale


Ingénieure d’étude - Références techniques et technico-économiques

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