European Union 2001 supply figures

European Union 2001 supply figures

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Auteur : Van Ferneij JP
In the European Union pig production grew by 14 % between the early nineties and 2001. Spain showed the fastest growth in the nineties, becoming the EU’s second biggest producer. It enjoys more favorableproduction costs than other EU countries. France is the main destination for Spanish products. Denmark is the EU’s main exporter, exporting 85 % of its production. In Germany, the EU’s biggest producer, production in 2001 was 11 % below that recorded at the beginning of the nineties. In the Netherlands between 1990 and 2001 production fell by 13 %. This fall is expected to continue in 2002 and 2003.Belgium is also striving to reduce its pig numbers in response to environmental constraints. In France, growth is difficult in both high concentration areas and elsewhere.

Fiche technique

Titre :

European Union 2001 supply figures

Date sortie / parution :


Référence :

Techni Porc (Fra), 2002, Vol. 25, n° 6, novembre-décembre, p.



Ingénieur agroéconomiste - Expert en charge de la veille internationale sur l’aval de la filière porcine

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