The use of a fibre-rich diet alters the feeding behaviour of group-housed pregnant sows

The use of a fibre-rich diet alters the feeding behaviour of group-housed pregnant sows

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Auteurs : Courboulay V, Dubois A, Meunier-Salaün MC
Group-housing of sows and the use of fibre-rich diets are two alternatives which may improve the well-being of pregnant sows. The effects of a fibrous diet (F : 13.2% CF) and a control diet (T : 6.7% CF) were studied on feeding behaviour in three housing systems : individual stalls (S), groups of six sows simultaneously fed using six troughs (G) and groups of twelve sows fed with an electronic sow feeder (D).Feeding rates were systematically lower with the F diet. The difference between F and T was higher in the S-system, 187 g/min vs. 252 g/min, than in the G-system, 216 g/min vs. 258 g/min. Feeding rate was much lower in the D-system (86 g/min) due to a lower rate of feed delivery.Competition for feed induced very variable rates of feed intake between sows given the F diet in group housing situations.This resulted in large differences in body condition score between sows. Sows given the F diet moved from one trough to another more often in the G-system, while in the D-system sows entered the electronic feeder more often compared to the T diet. These results indicate the interactions that can occur between the feeding system and the type of housing.Therefore, the use of high fibre diets should not systematically recommended for pregnant sows.

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Titre :

The use of a fibre-rich diet alters the feeding behaviour of group-housed pregnant sows

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Référence :

Journées de la Recherche Porcine (Fra), 2001, Vol.33, p. 307-312



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