Odour emissions : from the pig unit to slurry spreading

Odour emissions : from the pig unit to slurry spreading

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Auteur : Guingand N
The odour problem and related public complaints could limit the future expansion and maintenance of pig units in some areas in France. In the past, the main objections were based on the smells produced during and after slurry spreading. Nowadays, conflict between pig farmers and people living in the surrounding area has increased considerably as a result of odours emitted from pig buildings and pig storage. The aim of this paper is to describe sources and locations of odour emissions in order to have a general survey of the problem and the technical issues available to deal with the problem.

Fiche technique

Titre :

Odour emissions : from the pig unit to slurry spreading

Date sortie / parution :


Référence :

Actes de colloque Cemagref comment concilier production porcine et protection de l'environnement? - 3 mars 1999, Paris, p. 47-55



Ingénieure d’étude - Experte sur la qualité de l'air (Gaz, Odeurs, Particules)

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