Grain legumes, rapeseed meal and oil seeds for weaned piglets and growing-finishing pigs

Grain legumes, rapeseed meal and oil seeds for weaned piglets and growing-finishing pigs

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Auteurs : Royer E, Chauvel J, Courboulay V, Granier R, Albar J
The maximum inclusion rates of grain legumes, rapeseed meal and oil seeds in wheat-soybean meal basal diets have been studied at the ITP experimental unit in Villefranche de Rouergue (France) in several experiments using piglets or pigs. Rapeseed meal and peas can be used respectively in the diets of the second period of post-weaning (after 12 kg phase 2) at rates of 15 and 35%, and in growing-finishing feeds at rates of 18% and 40%. Their association allows to reduce the soybean meal to 2% and 0% of growing and finishing diets containing respectively 32 and 35% of peas, 15 and 18% of rapeseed meal. Maximum rates of 10% of white (Lupinus albus) or blue (Lupinus angustifolius) sweet lupins in phase 2 diets seem advisable. The inclusion in phase 2 diets of 7% of full-fat rapeseeds or sunflower seeds, or 15% processed whole soybeans or 3% rapeseed oil give similar weight gain and feed efficiency. The use of 8% of oleic acid-rich sunflower seeds after 65 kg body weight had no negative effect on carcass fat quality, whereas 4% of ordinary sunflower seeds did have negative effects.

Fiche technique

Titre :

Grain legumes, rapeseed meal and oil seeds for weaned piglets and growing-finishing pigs

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Référence :

55th EAAP annual meeting, 5-9 septembre 2004, Bled, Slovènie, p. 1-8, 55th EAAP annual meeting, 5-9 septembre 2004, Bled, Slovènie, p. 1-8



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