Design of challenge testing experiments to assess the variability of microbial behaviors in foods

Design of challenge testing experiments to assess the variability of microbial behaviors in foods

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Auteurs : Augustin JC, Bergis H, Bourdin G, Cornu M, Couvert O, Denis C, Huchet V, Lemonnier S, Pinon A, Vialette M, Zuliani V, Stahl V

Fiche technique

Titre :

Design of challenge testing experiments to assess the variability of microbial behaviors in foods

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Référence :

6th International conference on Predictive Modeling in Foods, Washington, 08-12 septembre 2009, p. 15-18, 6th International conference on Predictive Modeling in Foods, Washington, 08-12 septembre 2009, p. 15-18

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