Literature review on Nh3 and GHG emissed by pig production. Part 2 : storage, treatment and spreading
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Auteurs :
Espagnol S, Guingand N, Hassouna M
Sandrine Espagnol et al., 66th EAAP,, 31 août-04 septembre 2015, Varsovie, Pologne, session 47 : liverstock farming systems free communications, visuels d'intervention
In order to evaluate the emission factors (EF) for pig production and its possible use in national inventories and environmental assessment, a literature review was conducted on gaseous emissions measurements concerning NH3, N2O, CH4 and CO2. A database was built and contains 2091 data issued from 229 articles dated from 1990 to 2012. The present article deals only with emissions from storage, treatment and spreading manure with respectively 396, 324 and 483 international references. To explain the variability, 65 metadata were collected for each reference. Some are similar for the different sources: type of manure, season, manure mass balance and gasezous measurement methodology. Others are specific to each source: type of storage, treatment and spreading (application equipement, dose, land occupation). Criteria (scale of experiment, manure composition, slurry management, etc.) were used to select references which could be used to calculate average representative EF for different sources: slurry storage, solid manure storage, compositing, biological treatment, slurry spreading, solid manure spreading. Respectively 13, 42 and 10% of the references were kept for the storage, the treatment and the spreading. The EF obtained were analyzed with their standard deviation and the number of references used to their calculation. They were compared to international emissions factors from IPCC (2006) and EMEP EAA (2009). The results show that the number of data availableto assess emissions factors for the sources storage, treatment and spreading of the manure is very low and could be considered as insufficient to have representative emissions factors. The average emissions factors obtained have a standard deviation which indicates an important variability of breeding situations and the need to multiply measurements. The methodologies of measurement appeared also to be relevant to explain a part of the variation.
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Literature review on Nh3 and GHG emissed by pig production. Part 2 : storage, treatment and spreading
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66th EAAP,, 31 août-04 septembre 2015, Varsovie, Pologne, session 47 : liverstock farming systems free communications, visuels d'intervention