Comparison of methods to validate the prediction of ham and belly composition by magnetic induction scanner

Comparison of methods to validate the prediction of ham and belly composition by magnetic induction scanner

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Auteurs : Daumas G, Monziols M, Rodriguez JM, Alvarez-Garcia J, Causeur D
Statistical validation is an important stage in testing a technology, but there is no consensus on a method. The objective of this study was to compare the performance of five prediction methods of the composition of hams and bellies by magnetic induction. Magnetic induction, which principle takes advantage of the dielectric properties of tissues, was tested by Simoncini et al. (2012) on hams and by Daumas et al. (2019) on bellies and hams.

Fiche technique

Titre :

Comparison of methods to validate the prediction of ham and belly composition by magnetic induction scanner

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Référence :

67th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology (ICoMST), Cracovie, 23-27 août 2021



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