Can nitrite-free recipes of cured meat products prevent the formation of nitroso-compounds during digestion?

Can nitrite-free recipes of cured meat products prevent the formation of nitroso-compounds during digestion?

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Auteurs : Petit N, Keuleyan E, Bourillon-Blinet S, Aubry L, Promeyrat A, Nassy G, Santé-Lhoutellier V
The presence of nitrite in cured meat products can lead to the formation of nitroso-compounds (NOCs), some of which have been linked to a higher risk of developing colon cancer 1. The objective was to study the formation mechanism of NOCs in nitrite-free cured meat products during in vitro dynamic digestion.

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Titre :

Can nitrite-free recipes of cured meat products prevent the formation of nitroso-compounds during digestion?

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Référence :

7th International Conference on Food Digestion (ICFD 2022), 3-5 mai 2022, Cork, Irlande



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