In vitro digestion of nitrite and nitrate preserved fermented sausages – New understandings of nitroso-compounds’ chemical reactivity in the digestive tract

In vitro digestion of nitrite and nitrate preserved fermented sausages – New understandings of nitroso-compounds’ chemical reactivity in the digestive tract

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Auteurs : Keuleyan E, Bonifacie A, Sayd T, Duval A, Aubry L, Bourillon-Blinet S, Gatellier P, Promeyrat A, Nassy G, Scislowski V, Picgirard L, Théron L, Santé-Lhoutellier V
In vitro digestions of dry-cured sausages formulated with four different rates of added sodium nitrite and sodium nitrate (NaNO2 / NaNO3, in ppm: 0/0; 80/80; 120/120; 0/200) were performed with a dynamic gastrointestinal digester (DIDGI®). The chemical reactivity of the potentially toxic nitroso-compounds (NOCs), oxidation reactions products and different iron types were evaluated over time. No nitrite nor nitrate dose effect was observed on NOCs’ chemical reactivity. Nitrosothiols were scarce, and nitrosylheme was destabilized for every conditions, possibly leading to free iron release in the digestive tract. Total noN-volatile N-nitrosamines concentrations increased in the gastric compartment while residual nitrites and nitrates remained stable. The minimal rate of 80/80 ppm nitrite/nitrate was enough to protect against lipid oxidation in the digestive tract. The present results provide new insights into the digestive chemistry of dry sausages, and into new reasonable arguments to reduce the load of additives in formulations.

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In vitro digestion of nitrite and nitrate preserved fermented sausages – New understandings of nitroso-compounds’ chemical reactivity in the digestive tract

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Référence :

Food Chemistry, volume 16, 30 décembre 2022, 9 pages



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