Impact of formulation and technological parameters on the colour of cooked sausages with and without added nitrite

Impact of formulation and technological parameters on the colour of cooked sausages with and without added nitrite

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Auteur : Martin JL
Les Cahiers de l'IFIP, 9(1), 1-14
Whatever direction the governing regulations take, the market will soon have the option to offer charcuterie foods with or without nitrite. Sausage-makers will therefore need data to help them master the various situations by controlling process-route effects, especially to firmly control the colour of their output without using colourings. This study highlighted that this data can only be captured via a multifactorial approach revolving around the charcuterie-work triad, i.e. raw-material ingredients × formulation × technology. We identified various combinations of technological factors that firmly assure satisfactory product colour. These combinations could serve as a basic foundation with specific variants for businesses to employ as per their product lines.

Fiche technique

Titre :

Impact of formulation and technological parameters on the colour of cooked sausages with and without added nitrite

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Référence :

Les Cahiers de l'IFIP, 9(1), 1-14



Ingénieur d’étude - Expert en formulation et technologie des produits carnés et de charcuteries

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