MONOFILM: Eco-conception towards the recycling of sealed PET

MONOFILM: Eco-conception towards the recycling of sealed PET

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Auteur : Bozec A
The MONOFILM project aimed to support the transition from complex plastic trays to sealed PET (polyethylene terephtalate) trays, meeting eco-design recommendations (able to be inserted without disruption into current or future recycling) but also to the various functional constraints: Sealability, peelability, barrier properties, printability, etc.
One of the main challenges for PET was to find a tray/lid couple with a lid with a density of less than 1 allowing it to be separated from the body of the packaging during the flotation stage. 12 manufacturers were partners in this project, which made it possible to test more than 50 packaging solutions.

Fiche technique

Titre :

MONOFILM: Eco-conception towards the recycling of sealed PET

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Référence :

69th ICoMST (International Congress of Meat Science and Technology), 20-25 août 2023, Padoue (Italie), poster



Ingénieur d’étude - Expert HACCP en abattage-découpe

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