Health of group-housed sows: conclusions and recommendations in the literature
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Auteurs :
Hémonic A, Boulot S, Courboulay V, Corrégé I
The aim of this literature review on the health of group-housed sows is to summarize the knowledge acquired in France and abroad on 6 main issues: aggressive behaviour, which is the source of skin lesions in particular, vulva biting, motor coordination problems, herd infection dynamic, and finally sow immunity and careers. The conclusions of various different studies thus make it possible to draw several lessons regarding these sanitary problems: comparison of frequency between collective and confined housing systems, analysis of risk and prevention factors (influence of soil type, feeding system, group size, presence of a boar, etc.). Even if it is ultimately difficult to come up with a synthesis of recommendations, as there are links between the different housing types and livestock management systems tested in the studies, it is crucial to draw upon previous experience, both in the field and in scientific literature, to optimize sanitary management of gestating group-housed sows.
Fiche technique
Titre :
Health of group-housed sows: conclusions and recommendations in the literature
Date sortie / parution :
Référence :
Techni Porc (FRA), 2011, Vol. 34, n° 4, juillet-août, p. 11-22
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