Chain-based objects used as enrichment toys: effects on behavior and lesions in fattening pigs
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Auteur :
Courboulay V
Poster. Two batches of 120 pigs (10 pigs/pen) were used to investigate the effect of four different objects on the behavior and body condition during the fattening period. In previous trials, an object (T) made of three plastic pipes strengthened with a chain and fixed to the floor was considered a good way to ensure manipulation by the pigs throughout the fattening period. It was compared to objects made of a chain and either hung at snout level (C1) or 5 cm above the floor (C2) or to a combination of three chains fixed to the floor (3C). Observations were recorded on the 1st, 3rd, 7th, 10th weeks (batches 1 and 2) and 13th weeks (batch 2) of fattening, every ten minutes for two hours and thirty minutes (3:00 – 5:30 pm). On the following day, all pigs were scored for lesions on the tail and on the body. Neither social nor feed related behaviors were significantly affected by the treatment. Objects T and 3C were manipulated more often than C2 (15 and 13 vs. 9% of observations, respectively, P
Fiche technique
Titre :
Chain-based objects used as enrichment toys: effects on behavior and lesions in fattening pigs
Date sortie / parution :
Référence :
Journées de la Recherche Porcine (FRA), vol. 43, 15-16 février 2011, Paris, p. 183-184, poster
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Publié en 2011