Farming conditions and practices linked to Salmonella prevalence in slaughter pigs
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Auteurs :
Corrégé I, Hémonic A, Gouvars B
This study aims at precising farming conditions and practices linked to salmonella prevalence in slaughter pigs, both in 208 breeder-finisher and in 109 only-finisher herds. Salmonella serological status is determined in each farm and involves 42 meat juice samples from three slaughter batches. Analysis is performed by using the IDEXX kit. Data considered as possible risk factors for salmonella prevalence were collected at the farm level by the mean of a specific questionnaire. In breeder-finisher herds, farming conditions which appear being related to salmonella prevalence are mainly pig health farm status (ie clinical events in quarantine, PRRS or PMWS clinical signs at the post-weaning stage) and veterinary treatments (eg antiparasite protocol in quarantine, antibiotics on farrowing sows, health protocols at the post-weaning stage, number of antibiotics treatments during the fattening phase). Liquid feeding for pregnant sows and fattening pigs is assumed to have a preventive effect and proper to reduce salmonella prevalence, as far as drinking pipes in post-weaning. Good practices regarding both pig pre-loading and loading conditions and adapted cleaning and disinfection protocols are also positive factors. In only fattening farms, only two farming conditions were identified: the number of breeding units supplying weaners and the number of antibiotics treatments at the fattening stage.
Fiche technique
Titre :
Farming conditions and practices linked to Salmonella prevalence in slaughter pigs
Date sortie / parution :
Référence :
Techni Porc (FRA), 2006, Vol. 32, n° 1, janvier-février, p. 27-31
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