Effects of diet complexity on weaning pigs' growth performance

Effects of diet complexity on weaning pigs' growth performance

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Auteurs : Gaudré D, Granier R
Poster. The effects of diet complexity were assessed using 180 piglets weaned at 21 days old. A complex diet composed of 4 cereals (wheat, corn, barley and broken rice) and 3 protein raw materials (soybean meal, soy protein concentrate and extruded soybeans) was compared to a simple diet only composed of wheat and soybean meal. This test was conducted over the 6-25 kg bodyweight range (6 weeks). On the first half of the trial, 15% of whey powder was included in both the simple and complex diets.Complex diets improved average daily gain (8%) and feed intake (12%) during the first 3 weeks after weaning. In the last 3 weeks, complex diets induced a grower average daily gain (3%) due to an increase of feed intake (3%). Feed efficiency was not statistically affected by the diet characteristics, whatever the period. Anorexia is usual during the few days following weaning.Piglets have to face to several stress, one is to adapt to a new type of feed. Diet complexity may represent a way to improve feed intake and thus reduce the negative impact of weaning on piglets’ performance. Due to the lack of response on feed efficiency, the interest is limited to the first 2 or 3 weeks after weaning.

Fiche technique

Titre :

Effects of diet complexity on weaning pigs' growth performance

Date sortie / parution :


Référence :

Journées de la Recherche Porcine (FRA), 2009, Vol. 41, poster, p. 133-134



Ingénieur d’étude - Expert en nutrition porcine

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