Fogging system : a way to improve the welfare of growing-finishing pigs during summer periods
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Auteurs :
Courboulay V, Souffran H, Guingand N, Massabie P, Dubois A
Poster. Temperature is an important issue in pig production. Fogging systems could be a way to improve pig welfare. Two trials were carried out in order to compare the behaviour of animals raised in two similar rooms, one equipped with a fogging system (SB) and the second considered as a control room (ST). In the first trial (E1), a heating system was used in order to simulate summer temperatures. 108 pigs were allocated to six pens per room (0.76m²/pig). They received water and feed ad libitum. In the second trial (E2), ambiant temperature depended only on weather conditions. 240 pigs were allocated to twelve pens per room (0.65m²/pig). Animals received three liquid meals per day and two water distributions.Observations were made at three periods (mean live weights, E1: 39kg-59kg-89kg; E2: 55kg-70kg-86kg). Measurements concerned animal behaviour (24h video recordings), lesions and panting, animal weight and feed intake.No panting pigs was observed but ST1 pigs had a higher respiratory rate at the third period. ST1 animals spent less time feeding than SB1 ones, except during 5h-9h a.m.. Their ADG was therefore lower (818g/d vs 858g/d, p
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Titre :
Fogging system : a way to improve the welfare of growing-finishing pigs during summer periods
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Référence :
Journées de la Recherche Porcine (FRA), 2009, Vol. 41, poster, p. 243-246
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