Increasing dietary amino acids and energy contents for lactating sows
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Auteurs :
Quiniou N, Calvar C, Richard S
Nutritional balance of hyperprolific lactating sows can be improved through an increase of dietary nutrient contents.In the present trial, lactation performances obtained with two experimental diets which amino acids and net energy contents differed were compared. In diet «témoin», the digestible lysine content was slightly above the requirement. In diet «concentré», digestible lysine content was 1.15 time higher and NE value was also increased. Higher nutrient intakes were obtained with diet «concentré». However, neither the litter’s average daily gain nor the body weight and backfat thickness losses were significantly influenced by the diet. The digestible lysine requirement for milk production and no muscle mobilisation was probably already met with diet «témoin». Yet, muscle loss remained important, and contributed to energy furniture for milk production. Nevertheless, calculated energy balance was slightly improved with diet «concentré» that decreased by 2 kg muscle mobilisation. According to this trial, model proposed from conventional sow to estimate lysine requirement can be used on hyperprolific ones correctly.
Fiche technique
Titre :
Increasing dietary amino acids and energy contents for lactating sows
Date sortie / parution :
Référence :
Techni Porc (Fra), 2005, Vol. 28, n° 2, mars-avril, p. 25-32
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