Hams delivered for curing : national variations

Hams delivered for curing : national variations

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Auteur : Le Roux A
The specifications set by pork curers to control raw material quality are based on both technological and microbiological criteria. The European regulations (Directive No. 93/43/EEC) make it compulsory to control the microbiological hazards associated with foodstuffs using the principles of HACCP. However, given the variability in slaughter, refrigeration and butchering processes within the European Union, and the differences in transport times required for delivery to curing plants, variations can occur in microbiological quality among products.The aim of this study was not to compare Danish, Spanish, French and Dutch produce, but simply to take a snapshot of deliveries from these different countries of origin at 7 French curing plants.Bacteriological samples were taken per delivery from 15 hams; 200 hams were monitored for pH and spoiled appearance.The results show that the main defect was the presence of burst veins on the rind. This defect was located mainly on the inside of the ham. Spanish deliveries showed half as many of these defects (6%) as those from the other countries.

Fiche technique

Titre :

Hams delivered for curing : national variations

Date sortie / parution :


Référence :

Viandes et produits carnés (Fra), 2004, Vol. 23, n° 5, septembre-octobre, p. 133-137



Ingénieur d’étude - Expert des bonnes pratiques d'hygiène et la maîtrise des process d'abattage-découpe

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