Effects of floor type in farrowing pens on the comfort of the sow and the piglets

Effects of floor type in farrowing pens on the comfort of the sow and the piglets

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Auteurs : Courboulay V, Le Roux A, Colin F, Rousseau P
Five types of floor that are commonly used in farrowing pens were compared in two successive studies. The first experiment was performed in a pig farm were two floor types were compared (under the sow/under the piglets) : metal slats (S)/metal S. vs. cast iron S./plastic S. In the second study, one farm with concrete + straw/concrete + straw and twelve farms having one of the following floor types (3 farms per type) : cast iron S./plastic S., metal S. with gutters/metal S., metal S. with a metal sheet/plastic S., metal S./plastic coated wire, were compared.Observations were made over several days. The number of wounds on the legs and the teats of the piglets and the sows were recorded. The slipperiness of the floor was estimated by observing the way in which the sows laid down.The temperature and cleanliness of the floors where recorded at several sites in the pens.Sows had more difficulty in laying down correctly on metal S. and they had more wounds (knees and digits) with this type of flooring compared to the other types of flooring. However, the metal S. remained cleaner than cast iron S.The incidence of piglet foot pad and knee injuries were higher with metal S. than with the other types of slats, however, the injuries practically disappeared after weaning.

Fiche technique

Titre :

Effects of floor type in farrowing pens on the comfort of the sow and the piglets

Date sortie / parution :


Référence :

Journées de la Recherche Porcine (Fra), 2000, Vol. 32, p. 115-122



Ingénieur d’étude - Experte en bien-être animal en élevage


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