Nitrite and/or nitrate added ln cured meat a (nltrosamlnes, nllrosothlOls and nltrosylheme) potentlally mutagenlc. Oxldatlon ln meat also affects health by formation of mutagenlc aldehydes.
An excessive consumptlOn of cured meat ls associated wlth an lncreased risk of colorectal cancer.
Therefore, the objective of thls study was to evaluate the role of ascort>ate regardlng the reductlon of nitrites ln cured meat.
Towards the reduction of nitrite in cured meat: role of ascorbate?
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Auteurs :
Bonifacie A, Gatellier P, Nassy G, Promeyrat A, Santé-Lhoutellier V, Théron L
Fiche technique
Titre :
Towards the reduction of nitrite in cured meat: role of ascorbate?
Date sortie / parution :
Référence :
International Congress of Meat Science and Technology & Reciprocal Meat Conference (ICOMST), 2-7 août 2020, Orlando, Eyttats-Unis