Analysis of the use of monitoring systems for animal health by farmers and their advisors: differences to work on?

Analysis of the use of monitoring systems for animal health by farmers and their advisors: differences to work on?

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Auteurs : Di Bianco S, Sigwalt A, Travel A, Lefort AC, Hémonic A, Poissonnet A, Bareille N, Manoli C, Defois J, Maupertuis F, Kaufmann P, Dile B, Wache A
Health context of livestock farms is changing to integrate social, technical and economic pressures towards reduction of antibiotics use and greater attention paid to animal welfare. These pressures therefore call for a preventive herd health approach rather than a curative individual one. We are currently working on a four-year research program on animal health, co-funded by the region Pays de la Loire and Europe. Our aim is to help livestock farmers to improve, in collaboration with their advisors, the health management of their livestock production. This work focuses on three main livestock sectors of the Pays de la Loire (western France): ruminant farming (i.e. beef, dairy, goat and sheep farming), poultry farming and pig farming. We sought to understand: i) The diversity of the farmers’ social representations about animal health ii) With whom farmers work to discuss and manage health issues iii) Which tools and methods they mobilize to manage their animals’ health.

Fiche technique

Titre :

Analysis of the use of monitoring systems for animal health by farmers and their advisors: differences to work on?

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Référence :

International Society for Economics and Social Sciences of Animal Health, 2020 International Conference in Copenhaguen, 13-14 novembre 2020, Cophenhauguen, Danemark, poster



Docteur Vétérinaire, DVM - Directrice du pôle Techniques d'élevage


Ingénieur d’étude - Expert en santé animale

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