Halothane and sex effect on the prediction of lean meat content of crossbred pig carcasses

Halothane and sex effect on the prediction of lean meat content of crossbred pig carcasses

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Auteurs : Daumas G, Hassenfratz C, Monziols M, Schwob S
Pig carcass grading is compulsory in the EU and based on the lean meat content (LMC). The LMC definition moved from the LMC in the 4 main cuts (old) to the LMC in carcass (new). This would affect the average LMC and the accuracy of the classification methods. To anticipate consequences of an update, the objective of the study was to test the effect of sex and halothane gene when calibrating the main classification method used in France versus the new LMC.

Fiche technique

Titre :

Halothane and sex effect on the prediction of lean meat content of crossbred pig carcasses

Date sortie / parution :


Référence :

1er Central-Eastern European EAAP Regional Meeting, 26-28 avril 2023, Nitra, Slovaquie



Ingénieur d’étude - Expert français de la classification et du tri des pièces de découpe porcine


Ingénieure d’étude - Interlocutrice des acteurs de la sélection porcine - ASP


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Ingénieure d’étude - Experte des évaluations génétiques porcines

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