Evolution, diversity and typology of pig farms in France: lessons from the 2020 agricultural census

Evolution, diversity and typology of pig farms in France: lessons from the 2020 agricultural census

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Auteur : Roguet C
Every 10 years, the agricultural census provides an overview of agriculture by collecting more than 900 datapoints (land, livestock, labor, production and marketing methods, etc.) from all agricultural holdings (AH). We analyzed individual data from the agricultural censuses of 2020, 2010 and 2000 in France. Farms of significant size were identified by applying livestock size thresholds. Two variables were created to qualify the granivorous and herbivorous activity. They were crossed to distinguish types of livestock farms that are variously specialized or diversified.

Fiche technique

Titre :

Evolution, diversity and typology of pig farms in France: lessons from the 2020 agricultural census

Date sortie / parution :


Référence :

75th Annual meeting of the european federation of animal science (EAAP),1-5 septembre 2024, Florence, Italie, poster



Chef de projet, PhD - Experte sur les problématiques d'acceptabilité sociétale et sur l'économie des exploitations d'élevage

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