Impacts de la Loi Egalim I sur les promotions des produits du porc en France
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Auteur :
Diot V
Le cadre promotionnel de la loi EGalim de 2018, visant à réduire les investissements promotionnels en volume et en valeur pour parvenir à un meilleur équilibre des relations commerciales dans les filières agricoles, initialement mis en place à titre expérimental jusqu’en 2023, est prolongé à 2026. Ce contexte a conduit à s'interroger sur l’impact de ce dispositif concernant la filière porcine. Le suivi sur cinq ans de l’effet de la Loi sur la promotion des produits du porc a été réalisé en croisant deux sources de données : i) la base A3 Distribution des promotions sur prospectus de la grande distribution qui fournit des indicateurs de la dynamique promotionnelle et ii) le panel Kantar qui permet l’analyse des données d’achat des ménages. A son plus haut niveau en 2017, l’intensité promotionnelle en viande de porc et charcuterie a diminué en 2019, de 28,8 % et 12,3 % respectivement. Cependant, dès 2020, le contexte de volatilité des prix de détail en porc, de tensions économiques des ménages et de fragilisation de la distribution a conduit à une reprise de la promotion. Cet effet est plus marqué en viande de porc qui répond à la problématique du pouvoir d’achat et participe à l’image prix d’une enseigne. En charcuterie, la promotion constitue un volet d’ajustement au regard de prix négociés annuellement. Les marques nationales sont pénalisées contrairement aux marques de distributeurs, renforçant leur poids et contribuant à une érosion de la valeur en amont de la filière. Enfin, la part des promotions massifiées reste dominante dans les enseignes bien que ce modèle d'une offre unique pour tous montre ses limites et contribue aussi à une perte de valeur.
Impact of the EGalim I Law on the promotion of pork products in France
The promotional framework of the 2018 EGalim law, which aimed to reduce promotional investments to achieve a better balance of trade relations in agricultural sectors, has been extended until April 2026. This context has led to questions about the impact of this measure on the pig sector. The 5-year follow-up of the effect of this law on the promotion of pork products was performed by cross-referencing two data sources. The A3 Distribution database of promotions on retail prospectuses provided indicators of promotional dynamics, while the Kantar panel allowed analysis of household purchase data. After peaking in 2017, promotional intensity of pork and cold cuts had decreased by 28.8 % and 12.3 %, respectively, in 2019. However, the volatility of retail pork prices, household economic tensions and weakening of distribution caused promotion to increase beginning in 2020. This effect was more marked for pork, which responds to the issue of purchasing power and contributes to the price image of a brand. For cold cuts, promotion was a component that adjusted prices that are negotiated annually. Unlike private brands, national brands were penalised, which strengthened the weight of private brands and eroded value upstream of the sector. Finally, the percentage of mass promotions remained dominant among the brands, but this model of a single type of supply for all has shown its limits and contributed to a loss of value.
Impact of the EGalim I Law on the promotion of pork products in France
The promotional framework of the 2018 EGalim law, which aimed to reduce promotional investments to achieve a better balance of trade relations in agricultural sectors, has been extended until April 2026. This context has led to questions about the impact of this measure on the pig sector. The 5-year follow-up of the effect of this law on the promotion of pork products was performed by cross-referencing two data sources. The A3 Distribution database of promotions on retail prospectuses provided indicators of promotional dynamics, while the Kantar panel allowed analysis of household purchase data. After peaking in 2017, promotional intensity of pork and cold cuts had decreased by 28.8 % and 12.3 %, respectively, in 2019. However, the volatility of retail pork prices, household economic tensions and weakening of distribution caused promotion to increase beginning in 2020. This effect was more marked for pork, which responds to the issue of purchasing power and contributes to the price image of a brand. For cold cuts, promotion was a component that adjusted prices that are negotiated annually. Unlike private brands, national brands were penalised, which strengthened the weight of private brands and eroded value upstream of the sector. Finally, the percentage of mass promotions remained dominant among the brands, but this model of a single type of supply for all has shown its limits and contributed to a loss of value.
Fiche technique
Titre :
Impacts de la Loi Egalim I sur les promotions des produits du porc en France
Date sortie / parution :
Référence :
56es Journées de la Recherche Porcine, 6-7 février 2024, Saint-Malo, p. 385-390
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