Impact of fibre enrichment of finishing feed on the technological quality of pork

Impact of fibre enrichment of finishing feed on the technological quality of pork

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Auteurs : Gaudré D, Chevillon P
If it were possible to reduce the glycolytic potential of meat by acting on the conditions of feeding at the end of the fattening period, then the risk of obtaining meat with low pH could be reduced. The aim of this trial was to test the influence of reducing the quantity of energy ingested daily by pigs. To this end, a feed with a net energy content of less than 9.0 MJ was dispensed during the last month of fattening. The reduction of energy content was obtained by incorporating raw materials rich in fibre. All the pigs were slaughtered on the same day, and the pH and meat colour measurements were then made. Dispensing a feed with a low energy content during the last month of fattening had no favourable impact on reducing the glycolytic potential of meat estimated by pH measurement.

Fiche technique

Titre :

Impact of fibre enrichment of finishing feed on the technological quality of pork

Date sortie / parution :


Référence :

Techni Porc (Fra), 2008, Vol. 31, n° 2, mars-avril, p. 33-36



Ingénieur d’étude - Expert en nutrition porcine


Chef de projet - Spécialiste de la thématique du transport et de l'abattage-découpe

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