Sorting pork met : can the ultimate pH of loin anfd rib muscles be predicted from measurements on the ham muscle ?

Sorting pork met : can the ultimate pH of loin anfd rib muscles be predicted from measurements on the ham muscle ?

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Auteurs : Chevillon P, Vautier A
The ultimate pH (pHu) of loin and rib muscle cannot be predicted with sufficient confidence based on a measurement made on the ham. The best scenario comes from predicting average pHu for batch cuts based on the average pHu of hams from the same batch, which means using prediction equations. Loin pHu associated with evaluation criteria such as drip loss or even a meat marbling score are far better candidates for segmentation of the fresh meat market, and should thus be promoted to optimize the economic value of cuts according to technological quality characteristics. Rib muscle demonstrated significant within-batch variability in pHu, and thus also in colour and aspect. Sorting criteria should be set up that take account of actual pHu distribution within the rib muscle and the expectations of consumers, distributors and butchers as well as meat curers.

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Titre :

Sorting pork met : can the ultimate pH of loin anfd rib muscles be predicted from measurements on the ham muscle ?

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Référence :

Viandes et produits carnés (FRA), 2006, Vol. 25, n° 6, novembre-décembre, p. 212-214, en français



Chef de projet - Spécialiste de la thématique du transport et de l'abattage-découpe


Ingénieur d’étude - Expert sur la qualité technologique des viandes

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