Pork cuts composition measured by scanner as infl uenced by sex and halothane genotype
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Auteurs :
Daumas G, Monziols M
Gérard Dumas et Mathieu Monziols, 63e International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Cork, Irlande, 13-18 août 2017, poster
Knowledge of the main factors infl uencing the cuts composition can help both sorting cuts and designing composition experiments. Sex and
halothane gene, well known for their effects on carcass composition, also deserve to be studied on cuts. The aim of this work is to study the sex
and halothane gene effects on the proportions of tissues in the four main pork cuts: ham, shoulder, loin and belly. Composition was determined by
scanner, a modern technique, which has recently been intensively studied in the COST action FAIM (Farm Animal Imaging).
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Titre :
Pork cuts composition measured by scanner as infl uenced by sex and halothane genotype
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Référence :
63e International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Cork, Irlande, 13-18 août 2017, poster
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