Evaluation of different analytical methods for detection of monophasic variants of S. Typhimurium during process and shelf-life of dried sausages

Evaluation of different analytical methods for detection of monophasic variants of S. Typhimurium during process and shelf-life of dried sausages

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Auteurs : Jeuge S, Vignaud ML, Lailler R, Dufour C, Schmitt A, Le Hello S, Grégori T, Ellouze M
Evaluation of different analytical methods for detection of monophasic variants of S. Typhimurium during process and shelf-life of dried sausages

Fiche technique

Titre :

Evaluation of different analytical methods for detection of monophasic variants of S. Typhimurium during process and shelf-life of dried sausages

Date sortie / parution :


Référence :

I3S, 6-8 juin 2016, Saint Malo, France, poster



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