Effect of freezing during on oxidation of backfat from pig fed N-3 pufa rich diets

Effect of freezing during on oxidation of backfat from pig fed N-3 pufa rich diets

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Auteurs : Promeyrat A, Le Roux A, Vautier A, Lhommeau T
In meat products, lipid oxidation affects:
1. the safety due to the formation of secondary peroxidation products ;
2. the nutritional value with the degradation of essential fatty acids ;
3. the sensory quality with changes of fl avor and color ;
Unsaturated fatty acids are highly sensitive to the oxidation process.

Fiche technique

Titre :

Effect of freezing during on oxidation of backfat from pig fed N-3 pufa rich diets

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Référence :

67th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology (ICoMST), Cracovie, 23-27 août 2021, poster



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