When to board porkers onto the farm-based loading station ? Impact on carcass performance, stomach weight and meat quality, and yield when processing as hams

When to board porkers onto the farm-based loading station ? Impact on carcass performance, stomach weight and meat quality, and yield when processing as hams

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Auteurs : Chevillon P, Vautier A, Gault E
Boarding pigs onto the loading station 1 hr after the last meal has significant effects on carcass performance when outside temperatures are high, regardless of whether the pigs are wet-fed or feeder-fed. Stomach weights recorded at the slaughterhouse show little variation in relation to station loading hour. Stomach weights recorded at slaughter 24 hours after the last meal are more likely to vary in relation to feed system than the time at which the pigs boarded the loading station. In general, meat quality criteria (pH and colour) showed no significant variation. A mock-up of processing as hams highlighted that loading one hour after the last meal has a negative effect on slicing and technological performance. This finding remains to be confirmed in a larger sample population. Generally speaking, it would appear preferable to load pigs onto the loading station at least 7 hours after the last feed.

Fiche technique

Titre :

When to board porkers onto the farm-based loading station ? Impact on carcass performance, stomach weight and meat quality, and yield when processing as hams

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Référence :

Techni Porc (Fra), 2006, Vol. 29, n° 4, juillet-août, p. 21-27



Chef de projet - Spécialiste de la thématique du transport et de l'abattage-découpe


Ingénieur d’étude - Expert sur la qualité technologique des viandes


Formateur aux techniques d'élevage et d'abattage de porcs, porcs, bientraitance animale

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