Effect of reduced sodium nitrite doses on the colour, oxidation, and
nitroso-compounds of “pâté de campagne”

Effect of reduced sodium nitrite doses on the colour, oxidation, and nitroso-compounds of “pâté de campagne”

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Auteurs : Promeyrat A, Duchêne B, Martin JL, Carlier M
In France, “Pâté de campagne” is a cooked product with important gastronomic traditions. Due to its composition, rich in fat and iron, pâté is highly susceptible to oxidation. We assessed the effect of reduced sodium nitrite doses on NOCs, lipid oxidation and colour during the shelf-life of refrigerated pâtés.

The absence of NaNO2 leads to a decrease of NOCs in pâtés but promotes lipid oxidation with levels > 2 mg eq. MDA/kg. Although NaNO2 plays a significant role in preventing lipid oxidation, it is directly involved in the formation of NOCs. These effects should be considered, and antioxidants must be tested in nitrite- free pâtés.

Fiche technique

Titre :

Effect of reduced sodium nitrite doses on the colour, oxidation, and nitroso-compounds of “pâté de campagne”

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Référence :

69th ICoMST (International Congress of Meat Science and Technology), 20-25 août 2023, Padoue (Italie), poster



Ingénieure d'étude - Experte en biochimie des viandes et des produits transformés


Ingénieur d’étude - Expert en formulation et technologie des produits carnés et de charcuteries

Martine Carlier

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